APRIL 28 - JUNE 2, 2024
There is no greater power than the Divine Intelligence within you to consciously co-create the life that you dream and imagine.
We all have the power to be the master creators of our lives. We are by design, in a continual state of creation and expansion. How we choose to focus our attention, energy, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions determines our life experience.
Life is colored with change that can challenge us to awaken and love more fully or harden into victims of conditions and circumstances. How is it that some people, despite traumatic upbringings and unfavorable circumstances have been able to build a life of purpose, passion, happy relationships, wealth, health, and happiness? While others, despite their greatest efforts and struggles, can’t seem to catch a break or get on the “right” path?
What if I said, no trauma, no condition, no external force can stop you from experiencing a fulfilling life of love, wholeness, freedom and abundance? The only person who can stop you is you. And the only person who can truly manifest your dreams is also you. You can either feel empowered by that statement or defeated. What if creating the life you imagine isn’t about efforting or struggling? But instead the exact opposite?
There are many manifestation techniques. Some practices include quantum field, prayer, gratitude, subconscious reprogramming, affirmations, incantations, sound healing, brainwave entrainment, visualization, and mindfulness. These practices all work within the same ancient principles and framework of the laws of energy. I am here to help simplify it for you.
Together, in this 6-week live online course, I will walk you through step-by-step, cumulative and advanced techniques and proven practices that have literally transformed people’s lives from dis-ease to wholeness, from scarcity to abundance, from isolation to fulfilling relationships. It only requires your inner commitment to yourself and following the program. No more old stories and repeated cycles. Whatever you can envision, you can create. You can design an entirely new life and reality.
The time and money you invest into yourself by taking this course will not only 3x, 4x,10x what you invested by the end of 6 weeks, but the practices and techniques you will learn in this course, you get to keep and apply for life. So the returns are truly limitless.
Everyone. As long as you are breathing, you are always creating - consciously or subconsciously. As the master creator of your life, you were born to expand and thrive. Maybe you desire a loving and committed relationship, a dream house, a dream career, financial goals, investors for your company, more time, fun and vacations, or a healthy and whole body. No matter what you desire, truly, everything is possible.
Some of you might be feeling some of the following challenges:
Do you find yourself stuck between knowing what you want, despite your efforts not knowing how to get it?
Do you know what you want - that dream job, that relationship, a family, that financial goal, health - but somehow continue to meet obstacles and disappointments?
Do you find yourself self-sabotaging through limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and emotions?
Do you feel uneasy, anxious, fearful, or even depressed at times because getting what you desire feels like it's getting away from you or not a possibility?
Do you feel tired or burnt out from healing and trauma work? Have low energy and cannot seem to get out of the same cycles of pain despite coping tools?
Or perhaps life is going very well for you and you want to learn how to create faster, with less effort and with ease?
Understand the laws of energy and apply it to your life
Learn how to sustain momentum and consciously create quicker and more easily
Learn how to turn manifesting into autopilot
Reprogram your subconscious and beliefs
Become magnetic so that what you desire to create comes to you
Develop higher standards, self-worth, confidence, and a clear and authentic self-identity that reflects your highest potential
Learn how to master your emotions and use them to work for you to manifest what you desire
Manifest miracles into your life daily
Learn tools and techniques to snap out of negative self-talk and emotions instantly
Receive brainwave entrainment through powerful frequencies that make manifesting stronger
Identify the resistance that is getting in the way of what you desire and learn how to clear and reverse them
Learn power versus force
Learn how to balance, clear, and expand your energy in less than 5 minutes in stressful situations
Consciously practice a new state of being in your work, relationships, and in all areas of your daily life
Learn the THREE necessary elements and practice for manifesting your dream life
No matter where you are in your personal evolution, you get to work from where you are and at your own pace. This course is designed to offer you the benefits of a sacred personal space through guided daily practices with the support of a shared collective experience during the weekly video conference calls. Each person's success story becomes everyone's success story. And as we experience the real and tangible results, the excitement will only continue to build momentum and continue to positively affirm and support your practices.
Paradise designed this course to offer you an energetic combined with a REAL WORLD experience. This course empowers you to be more conscious of your inner experience through your daily choices and life.
At the beginning of each week, you will receive audio recordings with instructions and a guided meditation to practice daily.
Every Sunday, you will be invited to join our weekly group video conference (via Zoom) where Paradise will teach the techniques and principles from each weekly lesson and provide a live group manifestation meditation. Each individual will be able to share their personal experience with the group as Paradise tunes in with you to provide direct guidance to help you move through any energies arising. This is a fun, supportive, positive, and playful group.
*NOTE: If you cannot make a video call, you can also call in from your phone. An audio recording of the group call will be sent to you in case you miss a group call or want to review the insights and guidance shared in the group session.
Audio recording 15 minute daily meditation (new meditation every week)
Audio recording and/or video instructions for each week's practice
Supportive tools and materials
Audio recording of each weekly group call
Access to Paradise to ask any questions and receive support and guidance throughout the week
BONUS: One student will be randomly selected to receive 1 complimentary 1:1 self-mastery and channeling session with Paradise ($400 VALUE)
15-20 minutes daily practice
A daily awareness practice
Weekly exercises
90 minutes every Sunday in a supportive group video conference

Limited Spots Available: $899
*Detailed instructions emailed upon registration